Here’s How Key Fobs Work

Are you looking to streamline your daily operations or upgrade to tap entry to your home? Or do you have a specific area of your home that you’d want to quickly access and close without your keys making too much noise?  Or do you find yourself with your hands full and are looking for a solution to make entering your home more easily? A key fob is what you need. You may have seen little plastic keychains attached to someone’s ring of keys. But how do they work?  Are they reliable? And are they better than a traditional metal key? Here are some guiding answers to anyone interested in freeing up their hands and moving to an access control/key fob system for their home or business:

What Exactly is an Access Card or Fob

An access card or key fob is a small card-like or plastic keychain, which consists of an RFID reader. It communicates with a reader device and another RFID tag with radio frequencies. The chip in the key fob can provide a certain kind of RFID tag data that works in sync with the reader device that’s designed to work with it.

A key fob can be set onto a small chip, enclosed within a housing that you can attach to a keychain for easy access. The inputs on the key fob work via specific buttons on the housing itself for convenient access.

How It Operates

It’s as simple as a tap or swipe.  The beauty of these systems is to literally free up your hands and make your entry quicker.  Once the access card or key fob touches the smart lock or access control unit, it sends out an RFID signal to the device that it’s linked to, and allows you access to your home or office. If the key fob is programmed to its respective device, the entry operation will work and no fumbling of keys will ever be needed again. Be aware that key fobs need to be within a certain range and field of view of the reader device to work and will not work if the reader device’s battery is dead.  With the Lockmish Smart Wi-fi Keypad Deadbolt, for example, the free app that pairs with the smart deadbolt indicate the remaining battery life on the deadbolt, so you can change out the batteries without ever running into a dead battery situation!

How Are Key Fobs Used

Key fobs are commonly used in systems where the approach is to eliminate actual physical keys. While a niche problem, many systems require a fast operation, and rather than having to use a physical key, they require fast inputs, and an RFID signal is quick to operate, such as opening a door.

An access control system installed.


One of the most interesting aspects of RFID key fobs is that a single key fob can be used to transmit more than one command. For example, within a single key fob, you can set up different buttons that lead to varying outputs. It’s fairly common among cars, where the engine can also be programmed to activate using an RFID tag.

A key fob isn’t just a fancy tool, but a great tool that many people can take advantage of. If you’re looking for a key fob or an advanced solution such as a Wi-Fi keypad deadbolt, electric strike, car key programming, or car key replacement in Winnipeg, get in touch with us at Lockmish Locksmith Winnipeg Services. We’re a 24-Hour service provider for locksmith in Winnipeg, providing tools as well as mobile services for people that require us to come in to help them out. Our goal is to help your residential and commercial property be more secure.

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