Interior Door Security – 4 Best Locks For Interior Doors

Doors are the first line of defence in a home or a building, but just as the exterior door protects each door, the interior doors protect the rooms inside. While many people think about the best locks for the exterior door, interior door security often becomes an afterthought.

Well, we’re here to say it’s just as important! Lockmish Locksmith Services provides commercial and residential locksmith services, including lock installations for exterior and interior doors. Here are some of our top recommendations for locks to improve your interior door security.

Deadbolt Locks

Deadbolts have a sturdy bolt that extends into the door frame, making it difficult for intruders to break in. These are considered one of the most secure locks as they have durable bolts extending into the door frame, making it difficult for intruders to break in. Deadbolts can be keyed differently or keyed alike, giving you control over who has access to certain areas of the house; perfect for interior door security when you have people over whom you don’t know very well. According to homeowners, they are the most preferred locks.

door and lock handle in the bedroom

Cylinder locks

These locks have a cylindrical mechanism controlled by a key. They are considered to be secure but can be vulnerable to lock picking or drilling. They’re similar to deadbolts but offer lesser security than them. It’s a good choice for interior door security for people who want to add a sturdy lock but don’t like the look of a deadbolt.

Mortise locks

A mortise lock is a type of lock that is typically installed on the edge of a door rather than on the surface like a cylindrical lock. The mortise lock mechanism includes a steel plate that sits within a mortise, or recess, in the door. They are known to be very secure and are commonly used in commercial buildings. Mortise locks are considered very secure, as they have a steel plate that sits within a mortise in the door, making it difficult for intruders to break in.

man opening his office door

Smart locks

Smart locks are all the rage. If you’re looking for something to provide a lot of security, especially in a commercial building or for a home office where you have important documents, consider this lock for maximum interior door security. These locks are keyless and are controlled by a code or a smartphone. They offer an added layer of security, as they can be programmed to allow access only to authorized users. They can be harder to install than others, so ensure you’re getting experienced professionals like our locksmiths in Winnipeg to install them for you.

Lock Installations in Winnipeg 

Finding the right lock is important, whether it’s for your exterior or your interior door. But it’s just as important to install them correctly. Residential and commercial interior doors require professional installation to ensure it’s done right and last a long time! Lockmish Locksmith Services has the best locksmiths in Winnipeg to get this task out of the way efficiently and quickly.

We’re 24-hour locksmiths and can help you with residential, commercial, or automotive locksmith needs. We offer a host of services, including electric strike installation, car key programming, Wi-Fi keypad deadbolt fitting, and much more in Winnipeg. You can also check out our store for interior lock recommendations.

Contact us for more information on our services or if you need a locksmith!

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